
There are approximately 150-200 thousand hairs in a normal, healthy scalp. In daily life, it is considered normal for a person with a healthy hair cycle to shed up to 100-1500 strands with combing and washing. Every strand of hair lost in a healthy hair cycle is replaced by a new one. In cases where it is noticed that the amount of hair shedding increases, the hair becomes thinner, the hair becomes sparse and the scalp becomes more visible, a dermatologist should definitely examine it. What are the causes of hair loss? Hair loss can be caused by iron deficiency, deficiency of some vitamins, hormonal problems such as thyroid disease or polycystic ovary syndrome, seasonal changes, nutritional problems, some skin diseases, It may occur due to exposure to chemicals used in permanent hair styling such as formaldehyde, heat trauma such as frequent blow dryers and curling irons, stress and genetic predisposition.

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Male pattern hair loss / What is female pattern hair loss?

This type of shedding, which we call androgenetic alopecia, may occur due to genetic characteristics and some hormonal problems. About 80% of hair loss in men occurs due to androgenic alopecia. In this type of shedding, shedding and thinning begin in the top of the hair and the front line disappears over time. In women, in addition to genetic features, it can manifest itself with polycystic ovarian disease, insulin resistance, adrenal gland disease, increased androgenic hormones, and lightening in the crown area and frontal hairline during menopause.

Is hair loss normal after giving birth?

With the effect of hormones during pregnancy, the number of hair shedding decreases, that is, the expected daily shedding does not occur. Healthy and lush hair continues throughout pregnancy and for 4 months after birth. At the end of 4 months, it manifests itself with more hair loss than normal with the effect of changing hormones after birth. This situation is natural. It can take up to 4-6 months. However, during this period, it is necessary to examine the levels of vitamins and minerals that can increase hair loss.

How is hair loss treatment?

Before hair loss treatment, the cause, type and severity of hair loss are determined, and then it is planned individually according to the patient's medical history, age, gender and additional disease status. Hair loss treatment should be planned together with a dermatologist. In addition to the treatment of diseases that are found to cause shedding, amino acid and vitamin supplements are made to support these treatments, and procedures such as mesotherapy and microneedling that nourish the scalp and stimulate healing are applied. What are the prices of hair loss treatment? Hair loss treatment is planned after the dermatologist's examination, the planned treatment type, frequency and number of sessions are planned individually after the examination. You can contact us to make an examination appointment and to consult your questions.